Margit Nellemann Ceramics
Original Handbuilt Works in Clay
Clay is like a language for me. My artistic influence and inspiration are a combination of a childhood spent in Scandinavia, many years living in Spain, most of my adult life in coastal Canada and a passion for foreign and exotic cultures.
I see myself as a vehicle through which clay forms emerge. I thrive in the timelessness of clay and celebrate its ability to transcend cultures and borders.
What's Happening:
My Annual Seconds Sale is just around the corner. Come find yourself a new favourite among the heavily reduced and slightly flawed works. February 2, 10-4pm 1026 Islay Street, Duncan
My Annual Seconds Sale is just around the corner. Come find yourself a new favourite among the heavily reduced and slightly flawed works. February 2, 10-4pm 1026 Islay Street, Duncan
Open Studio - January 18+19
I will be working in the studio this weekend and will have open hours between 12 - 4pm both days. If you are in the neighbourhood make sure to stop...
Open Studio - January 18+19
I will be working in the studio this weekend and will have open hours between 12 - 4pm both days. If you are in the neighbourhood make sure to stop...